
Interest payments based on the business plan

There are 3 points to expand Microfinance business as follows.、
①Operator raises funds in accordance with plan.
②Operator gets customer in accordance with plan.
③Collect Principal/Interest from customers without delay.

①It will be achieved by raising fund not only from this agreement but also from financial institutions.
②It will be expected to expand business if we continue business based on the market research, competitor's analysis and credit policy.
③It's between 1.1%-2.4% for loan loss ratio of Microfinance institutions in Cambodia. It's lower than developed countries its ratio. Therefore it will be expected to collect Principal/Interest based on the business plan.


Interest calculation term

 First Interest payments
 From 1st day of the registered month after next to 1/31/2016
 Second Interest payments
 From 2/1/2017 to 7/31/2017
 Interest payments from the third time
 End of February or End of July